
EDO White Paper: Share of Search Predicts Market Share Growth

Market share growth is the north star for most brand marketers, as it drives stock prices, bonuses, and job promotions - especially in an economic downturn. But most brands get market share reads infrequently, and they usually struggle to link share growth to the advertising decisions that helped drive it.

Modern marketers need a more readily available metric that mimics market share, and is granular, timely, and reliably responds to day-to-day advertising decisions. Share of Search (SoS) is one such metric, as it is a predictive proxy for Share of Market (SoM), can be measured daily, and has been shown to respond quickly to both brand and product advertising, and even to the subtleties of detailed media and creative elements.

EDO's latest research details why Share of Search should be a key metric in brands' measurement tool belts. The white paper includes: 

  • How EDO’s data validates how Share of Search can predict market share momentums.
  • Specific use cases across auto, insurance, and restaurant categories highlighting how Share of Search and Share of Market correlate 83% of the time across all categories. 
  • How brands can take immediate advantage of Share of Search to maximize TV ad investment.

About EDO

EDO, Inc. is a data and analytics company that measures predictive outcomes for Convergent TV. We are an innovative leader in applying world-class data science software and unique behavioral metrics to help our clients – marketers, TV networks, and agencies – generate greater value from their creative efforts and media decisions. EDO's reliable, investment-grade metrics align marketing with sales and finance, providing confidence in the efficacy of advertising dollars through detailed competitive, category, historical, and predictive insights.