
EDO White Paper: Optimizing TV
for Tough Times - Making the Most of Budget Cuts

Amid economic uncertainty - marketers are confronted with a difficult year ahead. In a prove-it-or-lose-it reality, doing nothing is often the wrong move. The best way to weather the coming storm isn’t to sit back and hope for the best, it's to lean into modern marketers’ performance practices: test-and-learn, monitor everything — all the time and optimize.

In EDO’s upcoming comprehensive white paper, we'll show brands how to leverage in-flight linear TV optimization - powered by syndicated TV ad measurement - for smarter cuts that don’t sacrifice media performance. With detailed data and analysis, including a case study, brands will understand the power of:

  • Balancing quality versus cost in TV media decisions
  • Optimizing Linear TV in-flight
  • Combining syndication and decision science
  • Simulated budget reduction scenarios


About EDO

EDO, Inc. is the TV outcomes company — a leading platform measuring predictive behaviors driven by Convergent TV advertising. By combining real-time engagement signals with world-class decision science, EDO data maximizes creative and media performance. We work with modern marketers at leading brands, TV networks, entertainment studios, and ad agencies. EDO's investment-grade data aligns advertising investments to business results - with detailed competitive, category, historical, and predictive intelligence. For industry intel, success stories, and top ads, visit